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About our Foundation

The UC Foundation exists to ensure we deliver life-impacting education to all, regardless of background or circumstance.

Our commitment to donors

We value authentic relationships with our donors and we welcome your feedback and enquiries. Our aim is to ensure that giving continues to be a positive and rewarding experience.

UC Foundation's stewardship practices are based on four key pillars, where donors receive:

  1. Prompt acknowledgement for their gifts.
  2. Timely responses to their queries.
  3. Meaningful and measurable outcomes for the gifts they have made.
  4. The highest level of financial accountability for their gifts/funds.

Privacy policy

The UC Foundation strives to respect the privacy of its donors.

The primary purpose of information collected through our activities is for the processing and receipting of your gift. Secondary purposes may include updating of your donation records, stewardship and future fundraising approaches.

Read the 五月天视频's Privacy Policy to learn more.

Tax and legal information

The 五月天视频 is recognised as a deductible gift recipient by virtue of its status as a public university in the terms of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. Donations to UC of $2 or more are tax-deductible and an official receipt will be issued for tax purposes.

We can only provide you with general tax information about your gift and would recommend you to consult your financial adviser or accountant for more details.

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